Julia Hart
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Bard College Berlin
Julia Hart has been part of the guest faculty at Bard College Berlin since the fall of 2013. Her theater courses include:
Introduction to American and German Theater (Fall 2013)
Bertolt Brecht: The Study and Staging of Epic Theater (Spring 2015)
Performances and Practices of Postdramatic Theatre in Germany (Fall 2015)
FAUST (Spring 2017)
21st Century German Theatre (Fall 2017)
Theatre and the State in Germany (Fall 2018)
Elfriede Jelinek and Postdramatic Theatre (Spring 2019)
Performance Workshops for the Bard Summer Theater Intensive:

Public Schools
Julia Hart works regularly as a guest artist creating theater projects at Hamburg elementary schools and high schools. She has worked with the following schools since 2012: Forsmannstraße Schule, Gyula Trebitsch Schule Tonndorf, Grundschule Thadenstraße, Schule Rothestraße, Goldberg-Schule Hamburg, Schule Mendelssohn Straße, und Gymnasium Lerchenfeld.